Capturing images underwater is challenging and requires specialized gear. Water’s density filters out primary colors from the Sun’s white light as you go deeper, leaving just muddy grays at depth. Carrying your own white light source will replace those missing hues. I love all the vibrant colors and patterns present underwater and the far-flung destinations we travel to.
Queen Angelfish - Mexico
Caribbean Reef Shark - Bahamas
Banded Coral Shrimp - Cayman Brac
Juvenile Spotted Drum - Turks & Caicos
Divers Entering Water - Bahamas
Pederson Shrimp - Cayman Brac
Juvenile Spotted Trunkfish - Cayman Brac
Goldentail Moray Eel - Bay Islands Honduras
Goby on yellow green coral - Turks & Caicos
Flamingo Tongue Snail - Bahamas
Juvenile Filefish - Mexico
Balloonfish - Turks & Caicos
Goby on Coral - Cayman Islands
Green Sea Turtle - Curacao
Looking up through Coral - Mexico
Indigo Hamlet - Belize
Christmas Tree Worm on Coral - Belize
Fairy Basslet - St Lucia
Bearded Fireworm - Turks & Caicos
Squirrelfish eyes - Dominica
Juvenile Goldentail Moray Eel - Turks & Caicos
Dushia Flabellina Nudibranch - Bahamas
Sea Anenome - Mexico
Yellowline Arrow Crab - Bahamas
Saddled Blenny - Cayman Islands
Reef Shark & Diver - Belize
Juvenile Queen Parrotfish - Belize
Squat Anenome Shrimp - Curacao
Colorful Sea Slug - Mexico
Splendid Toadfish - Mexico
Brain Coral detail - Bay Islands Honduras
Black Durgeon - Cayman Brac
Rock Hind with Cleaner - Cayman Brac
Bar Jacks - Little Cayman
Flamingo Tongue Snail - Cayman Brac
Juvenile Spotted Drum - Cayman Brac
Lizardfish - Bonaire
Secretary Blenny - Bonaire
Spotted Cleaner Shrimp - Bonaire
Spotted Moray Eel - Sint Eustatius
Blenny - Sint Eustatius
Rock Hind in Coral - Sint Eustatius
Fingerprint Flamingo Tongue - Sint Eustatius