Dreaming of flight is common amongst us humans. It’s said to symbolize freedom, hope and new possibilities. Maybe that explains my love and fascination of animals with wings.
Great Blue Heron - Florida
Osprey in the Rain - Florida
Osprey Landing - Florida
Great Horned Owls - Florida
Heron on the Hunt - Florida
Ring-Billed Gull - Florida
Osprey Leaving Nest - Florida
Red-Bellied Woodpecker - Florida
Royal Tern - Florida
Osprey Delivering Dinner - Florida
Brown Pelican Formation - Florida
Osprey on the Hunt - Florida
Sanderlings in flight - Florida
Osprey in Rainstorm - Florida
Snowy Egret at Pond - Florida
Red-Bellied Woodpecker - Florida
Great Blue Heron - Florida
Mockingbird - Florida
Brown Pelican Resting - Florida
Bald Eagle - Florida
Green Heron - Florida
Female Osprey with young - Florida
Great Blue Heron - Florida
Northern Cardinal -Florida
Osprey Calling - Florida
Great Blue Heron - Florida
Sandwich Tern Droppping Fish - Florida
Cormorant Sunbathing - Florida
Sanderlings - Florida
Willet on the Run - Florida
Osprey with Catch - Florida
Willet - Florida
Female Northern Cardinal - Florida
Osprey in Rain - Florida
Green Heron - Florida
Juvenile Green Heron - Florida
Tri-Colored Heron - Florida
Dunlin feeding - Florida
Dunlin at Water's Edge - Florida
Sanderling at Water's Edge - Florida
Downy Woodpecker - Florida
Bald Eagle Pair - Florida
Osprey - Florida
Great Blue Heron - Florida
Green Heron - Florida
Great Blue Heron - Florida
Great Kiskadees - Mexico
Young Osprey - Florida
Young Osprey - Florida
Green Heron - Florida
Green Heron - Florida
Green Heron Strikes - Florida
Yellow-Rumped Warbler - Florida
Red-Bellied Woodpecker - Florida
Great White Egret - Florida
Black-Bellied Whistling Ducks - Louisiana
Egret Reflections - Florida
Common Loon - Florida
Red-Shouldered Hawk - Florida
Blue Heron - Florida
Brown Pelican Ballet - Florida
Great Blue Heron in Flight - Florida
Brown Pelican - Florida
Pied-Billed Grebe - Florida
Rufous-Tailed Hummingbird - Costa Rica
Mockingbird on Bottle Brush Bush - Florida
Laughing Gull Hovering - Florida
Osprey Takeoff - Florida
Northern Cardinal - Florida
Green Heron Tension - Florida
Red-Shouldered Hawk with Snake - Florida
Red-Shouldered Hawk Fledgling - Florida
Red-Shouldered Hawk Juvenile - Florida
Green Heron Looking Upwards - Florida
Muscovy Duck Side Eye - Louisiana
Red-Shouldered Hawk Juvenile - Florida
Downy Woodpecker - Florida
Osprey First Flight - Florida
Osprey Mom and Daughter - Florida
Eastern Bluebird - Florida
Female Redwing Blackbird - Florida
Redwing Blackbird - Florida
Green Heron Under Bridge - Florida
Green Heron - Florida
Yellow-Crowned Night Heron - Florida
Wet Osprey - Florida
Osprey Food Delivery - Florida